Step up your sound game with Dual’s impressive CS 518 turntable. Records explode in vibrant detail thanks to its highly sensitive twin-gimbal tonearm design, retrieving more information for a richer musical experience. The heart of high resolution music beats at 33 ⅓ rpm, and CS 518 retrieves incredible resolution to give your records an intoxicating rhythm.
Straight, statically balanced and constructed of solid aluminium, the CS 518 tonearm is its centrepiece, plumbing the depths of your favourite records to deliver incredible music detail – now, and long into the future.
Records explode in vibrant detail thanks to 518s twin gimbal tonearm design, increasing sensitivity to retrieve greater detail from your favourite albums
Plus, audiophile cartridge upgrades are made possible thanks to its solid aluminium construction with precision pivot ball-bearing, anti-skate and counterweight adjustments. Offering you a lifetime of deeper listening experiences.
Manual Matters
Fewer moving mechanical parts means cleaner, clearer sound quality. That’s why manual turntables (free from the additional parts within automatics) are considered an audiophile gold standard. Combine this with the ritual of handling your records from beginning to end, and manual turntables help to create a deeper connection between you and your music.
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